Document Directory

This is a part of the first-setup wizard that helps you launch the program for the first time.

Select document directory for storing documents and other files.

The Document directory

The document directory is used by the system to save document files, picture files, report files and other files that are not a part of the database. Mamut.ini can also be found in the same place as the document directory. Each system database gets its own area, system 001, system 002 etc. In a multi-user installation the user must state the network path during installation/updating.

Tip! You can find the document directory under View - Settings - Other settings - Other programs. This applies from version 12.

Standard Placement of the Document directory

As a general standard the document directory is placed as follows:

Windows XP®: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Public Mamut\Mamut.

Windows Vista® and Windows 7®: C:\Users\Public\Public Mamut\Mamut. Each system database gets its own area, system 001, system 002 etc. In a multi-user installation the user must state the network path during installation/updating.

Read more about the file structure in the program: Installed Files.

We recommend that you use the standard document directory, however you can choose to change that here.

Note! The document directory can not be placed under C:\Program\Files.

Multi-User Installation

In a multi-user installation, this location will be shared by all users. It is therefore important that all users can access the location. Access rights can be administered in the operating system and must be set correctly in order to continue.

Read more about this: How to Share the Data Folder.

Note! In a multi-user installation the file path you state must be a network path, for example: \\SERVERNAME\Mamut. The example assumes that the <Mamut> folder is shared in the network. If the <Data> folder is shared, the file path will be as follows: \\SERVERNAME\Data.

Read more about:

Installing the Program