User-defined Fields

The User-defined field allows you to classify your contacts according to your own needs, and you can also group your contacts after your own wishes.

For a software company, for example, a possible user-defined field might be 'Licence expiry date'. The value in this case would be the date when the licence expires.

Allocating a user-defined field to a contact

  1. Click on the icon directly to the left of User-defined field
    Click the Search button at the bottom right of the field.

  2. Select the Field type from the drop-down list and enter its Value in the text box below. The field type could be, for example, 'District' with the value 'north', or 'Number of employees' with the value '15'.

  3. Click OK.

New User-defined fields are created in the Properties register, which you can access by going to View - Settings - Company - Properties Register. You can also adjust the alternatives for the Type of value drop-down list here.

Read more about:

The Contact Register

The Properties Register