Project Register: Sub-project

The Sub-project tab provides an overview of all sub-projects that are part of the project and any other projects that the project is part of. There is a direct link between this tab and the selection defined via the Part of functionality.

Example: July-sales could be part of Summer-sales. In the Project list for July-sales you select Summer-sales from the button Part of. When you look at the Sub-project tab in the Summer-sales project list, you will see July-sales listed.

Sub and Main projects

The New button (to the left of the tab) and the Part of button (to the far right of the tab) have opposite functions:

You click the New button to create a new link to a sub-project in order for the specific project (displayed in the top half of the project card) to become a main project. If you click the Part of button, the specific project is linked to another main project. Occasionally it is necessary to use both buttons. If, for example, the project that is displayed in the top project card is named 'January', you can link the sub-projects 'week 1', 'week 2', 'week 3' and 'week 4' to this by clicking the New button. Simultaneously, you can link 'January' to the larger main project 'Winter' by using the Part of button to the right in the tab.

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