Colour Scheme, Website

By using design templates you can give your website a uniform design based on a specific theme or form.

How to decide the colour scheme for your website

Select Design template in the left-hand window. T use frames, select this under Template Properties. Select the Colour style you wish to use.

You can also create new or edit existing colour schemes as well as resetting to default. Read more about this.

Check the preview of the design template and colour scheme you have chosen. The preview will automatically update when Automatic update is activated. If this has been de-activated, click Update to see the changes.

Note!: This is only a preview of a sample template and not an actual preview of your website.

You can update the website by clicking the Update icon.

Tip! If you are using a design template located in the category Old (Expires 2008), you should change to another template. Discontinued templates will not be available in the next program version.

Please note that websites based on a discontinued design template will be transferred to a default template.

Read more about:

Create new colour scheme

Colour scheme, webshop

Design tips for Websites