Linking to other Websites

If you have a supplement licence to create several websites in the same database you can add one or more links between the websites. The link is created either in the Main page or the Campaign page, if you have created one.

Before creating a link, you must create the page to which the link leads. Read more about this.

How to create a link to another website

  1. Open the website in which you want to add the link.

  2. Select Link to other websites in the Menu tab.

  3. Click New to create a link.

  4. Select the Website to which you wish to add a link.

  5. Select where you are going to create a Link from: Main page or Campaign. If you want links from both pages, you must create two different links.

  6. Enter a Name of the link. This is the name which will appear on the link. The text may be descriptive, e.g. 'Click here if you are a dealer!'

  7. Click OK. The list has now been updated with the new link.

  8. Update the changes to Mamut's server. Read more about this.  

The list is now updated with the new links.

Make sure to update your website as well.

Note! In certain design templates the link is displayed in a drop-down list on the main page and does not appear immediately.

Read more about:

Updating your Website

Website Settings

Getting started with your own website