Search and Filters in the Employee Register

View - Employee Register

The Employee register allows you to create a Filter in the drop-down list to the top-right of the Employee card. It also allows you to select whether you want to view active or inactive employees only, or whether you would like to display all employees when you work with the register. This is done via the Filter drop-down list.

You can also search for employees. The search button in the Employee card gives you access to a simplified search window where you can search by Empl.ID, First name, Surname and Main telephone no. You can also click on the Multiple criteria button in the search window, which will open a Filter window specifically designed for the Employee card. Here, you can search for other criteria including the employee's National Insurance number and user-defined fields.  

In addition to the search options, it is also possible to sort employees by one of the following criteria: Empl.ID, First name, Surname and Registration order. This will display your employees in the chosen order in the employee list and when going back and forth between employee cards with the help of the forward/backward arrow buttons.

Read more about search and filters here.

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The Employee Register