View - Warehouse
- Warehouse - Serial numbers in stock
This list displays all the products in the warehouse that are linked to a Serial number and/or Best before date and/or Consignment no. In Product register settings, you select whether this should be required when receiving or withdrawing products. The serial number, best before date and consignment number follow a specific unit of a product.
You can track a specific product’s progress through the company by selecting a selection of serial numbers. In the list displayed you will then see all stock movements of the product(s) with this/these serial number(s) that is/are currently in the warehouse.
Changes to the selection are not displayed before you click Update or press the [F5] function button. The available options are:
Product no.: here you can register a product number or scroll to a product to only display serial numbers associated with this product.
Serial number: here you can register from and to serial numbers to only display serial numbers within this interval.
Selection: here you can choose to display all serial numbers in the warehouse or only those that are either associated with a reservation or those that are not.
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