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- Supplier
Suppliers usually have their own terms of trade, prices and codes for products you order from them. By linking a product to the supplier(s) you purchase the product from, you are able to register this information, together with supplementary information for the product.
Please note that the purchase price from the default supplier can affect the purchase price you register under the Price tab. When updating the default supplier’s purchase price, you must choose whether or not you want to update the corresponding price within the Price calculator.
It will be possible to use the information registered in the Supplier tab when purchasing from relevant suppliers. If the product is linked to a supplier, you can click the button Purchase this product in order to create a purchase order. If an unprocessed purchase order already exists for this supplier, you can choose to add the purchase to the existing order. If you do not wish to add the order, or if there are no existing order, you can create a new purchase order.
Tip! When
the product has already been included in the purchase order, the number
of this product purchased will automatically be increased by 1.
How to link a supplier to a product
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