Printing Quotations

Depending on how you create quotations (group quotations, repeating quotations, etc.) they can either be printed individually or as a selection of all created quotations in the module.

The quotation can be sent to printer, e-mail or fax, be transferred to Microsoft Office Word or to the Print Preview screen. If you have a PDF-printer installed, then the quotation can be transfer to PDF format as a file.

How to print a quote

  1. Click Print (Ctrl + P) in the toolbar to print a quotation.

  2. Select between an individual Quotation and an Advanced quotation and click Next to print out the quotation you opened in the Quotation module.

  3. If you are going to print out more than one quotation, you can select Filter below the list and click Next.  

  4. Specify the properties required for the quotations you are going to print out, and click Next.

  5. Select which media you want to use to print the quotations.

You have now printed a quotation.

E-mail: One of the printout options is to print to e-mail. The program will then automatically convert the printout to pdf format and attach it to an e-mail to the recipient.

Tip! In the company settings for contact management - and on the contact/contact person itself - you can define default E-mail recipients. Read more about Company Settings for Contact Management.

Microsoft Word: If you select Microsoft Office Word when printing, this will create a document based on the templates included in the program. The document templates can be edited from the View - Document - Document templates menu, where you select the Quotation template module from the drop-down list. You can find out more about templates in a separate chapter here.

Read more about:

Quotation Registration

The Quotation Module


Document Tmplates

The Document Module

Creating Follow-up Tasks

E-mail in the Program