The Sales/Invoicing Register

The Sales and Invoicing register is built the same way as most other registers in Mamut, with a main window and several tab cards where you can register information.  

Read more about Important Tools for information on the other buttons in the toolbar.

New: Create a new order, batch order or unprocessed credit note.

List: Display a list of registered orders. You can choose default sorting of this window in the user settings. You can define a filter in the window in order to find certain items. Read more about Filters.

Delete: The function of the delete button differs depending on the status of the order. The items are not deleted from the system; an unprocessed order can for instance receive the status Cancelled or Lost Sale. The items are therefore available for certain order reports.

If you Delete an invoice, a credit note is generated automatically.

Duplicate: Launches the wizard for duplication of quotation/order/invoice.

Order Hierarchy: The Order Hierarchy button gives a hierarchical overview of orders/quotations with invoice numbers/credit note numbers.

Show Journal in Ledger: Display the journal entry in the customer ledger. The button gives you easy access to the ledger overview.

Invoice: The order is invoiced when you click the Invoice button. The invoicing process consists of creating an invoice printout. The order will then be transferred from the status Order to the Invoice status, or Invoice, not delivered.

Create Activities: By clicking the arrow button, you can create customised activities. By using Activity Templates, you can choose which activity types should be available in each module.

Open Sales/Invoicing document list: Access documents linked to the order/invoice. You can choose create a PDF copy of an invoice during the invoicing process by going to the Export tab in the company setting for Sales and Invoicing. Read more about Company Settings - Sales and Invoicing.

User Settings for Sales and Invoicing: Opens the user settings for Sales and Invoicing. Use the arrow button to open the Company Settings - Sales and Invoicing.

Print: Orders can be printed to several different document forms. You can also send it to printer, e-mail and fax or on-screen preview.

Status: The status of the order represents how far it has come in the invoicing process. An order is usually created as an Unprocessed Order. Choose which status you wish to view from the drop down list.

Tip! If you want to assign an Early Payment Discount for future payment, select the discount under Payment terms. Read more here.

Tabs in the Sales and Invoicing module

Product lines




Read more about:

Sales and Invoicing

Subscription Invoicing

Company Settings for Sales/Invoicing

Crediting an Invoice

Credit Notes

Invoicing in the Customer's Currency

Creating a Cash Invoice

Printing Invoice Copies