Default Values in Mamut Business Software

In Mamut Business Software you can also control most of the default values in the Properties Register. To access the Properties register you follow the menu View – Settings – Company, chose Company settings and click on the Properties Register icon.

When you edit one of these registers you will see a number in the bottom right-hand corner. This is that object’s value in the Properties register.

How to export default values in Mamut Business Software via Mamut Import/Export:

  1. Start Mamut Import/Export.
  2. Chose Export and click Next.
  3. Chose Properties register from the list.
  4. Choose which company database you will export from. You can also indicate a path for where the file will be saved.
  5. Click Export.

The file is saved at the chosen location.

The file can be opened directly in the window The export is completed by clicking Open.

The exported file allocates a name, with the same number as the company database number, to the company database you exported from (for example ‘StdReg_001.xls’ for export of default values from company database number 1).

Country.xls or Country.txt

When the default values are exported a file is created simultaneously which contains numerical values for ‘Country’. This is called ‘Country.xls’. You will find the text file, country.txt, in the folder where the program files are located:” ...\MamutÌmportExportÈxampleFiles”.

Read more about:

Importing Information

Exporting Information

Company Settings for the Properties Register (external link)