Import/Export (CSV files)

CSV files are comma-separated files (*.csv) which can be opened either as text or via Excel and the data you wish to import into Mamut Business Software needs to conform to specific pre-defined formats. More information about the file formats for importing and exporting CSV files can be found in Description of CSV file formats. Mamut Import/Export for CSV files can be started by going to  File - Import - Import/Export or File - Export - Import/Export in Mamut Business Software. Alternatively, you can double-click on the program icon Mamut ImportExport.exe in the folder where you installed Mamut Business Software.

Log in to Mamut Import/Export

Enter the same username and password you enter when logging into Mamut Business Software. Press TAB on your keyboard to activate the Next button. Then click on it to start (Undefined variable: Primary.productname_impexp).
Import/Export requires a password. If you do not have a password for Mamut Business Software, you must register one in the user settings, or ask your system administrator to register one for you.

Forgotten your password?

If you have forgotten your password and want us to help you access the program, you will have to contact the Mamut Support Centre to have a form sent to you. You will have to fill out the form in order to identify yourself and in order for us to protect you and other users against misuse. When you have filled out the form, fax it to the Mamut Support Centre on fax no. 020 7153 0901. One of our consultants will call you and help you gain access to the program.

Note! You will need to be in front of your computer for us to help you. Please be aware that we can charge you for this service if it turns out to be a user mistake.

Read more about:

Mamut Import/Export

Importing information

Exporting information

CSV export formats, Overview

CSV import formats, Overview

Description of CSV file formats