Activities within Mamut Online Desktop

Mamut Online Desktop provides you with an online overview of activities concerning your company and employees. Create, edit and view activities online and keep track of these via the online calendar or activity list. This functionality is available in the mobile version of Mamut Online Desktop, which allows users to access a limited set of functionality optimised for mobile devices such as smart phones. Read more here.


Activities in Mamut Online Desktop allow you to manage all activities registered either online or in your locally installed Mamut Business Software. From here you can create new activities as well as edit or delete existing ones. The activity list also contains shortcuts to your personal calendar, the common calendar, the online contact work area and the user settings.

If you have a large amount of activities, you can define a filter for what should be displayed in the list. Available filter criteria in the activity list are Duration, Status, Type and Responsible.

The Activity Card

When you wish to create, edit or view a single activity, you can open the Activity card. The activity card can be displayed in two ways: Simple mode and Full mode. You can toggle between the simple and full views by clicking the Switch View button. You can set either the full or simple activity card as the default in the user settings for Activity and Calendar.

Read more about the user settings here.

Simple mode: The simple activity card will open as a pop-up window and only contain the most important information. Click Edit in order to change the information.

Full mode: The full activity card contains the same information as you would find in your locally installed version of Mamut Business Software. In the edit mode, you will be able to edit all information in the window's upper half.

The lower half of the full activity card contains panels related to the activity: Notes, Product, Quotation, Sales and Invoicing, Purchase, Time Sheet, Documents and Miscellaneous.

Click the arrow buttons on the right hand side of the screen in order to expand or collapse the panels.

The Calendar

The online calendar is an integrated part of the activity functionality. It is possible to display all activities created within the system in either your personal calendar, or the common calendar.

Read more about the online calendar.

Note! Information registered via a browser and locally within your Mamut system, is continuously synchronised. Your company will therefore always have access to up-to-date information.


You can print reports from the online activity and calendar screens. To print a single activity, navigate to the activity and click Print in the toolbar. The report will reflect all information that has been registered on the activity. You can also print the entire activity list by navigating to Work Areas - Contact - Activities and clicking Print in the toolbar. The report will then display information such as Start time, End time, Responsible, Type and Status.

Note! The documentation may refer to services and/or functions that are not included within your solution. If you wish to get more information regarding this, please contact Mamut.

Read more about:

Welcome to Mamut Online Desktop

Activities and Calendar

Calendar within Mamut Online Desktop

User Settings for Activities and Calendar in Mamut Online Desktop