Working with Jobs

The Job Register in Mamut Online Desktop allows you to create new jobs as well as view, edit, delete and create sales orders linked to existing jobs in Mamut Online Desktop.

How to create a new job

  1. Within Mamut Online Desktop, click Work Areas - Contact - Jobs - Add New

    -- or --

    New - Job

  2. Enter the desired No./Project class and name as well as a more detailed description in the Description field.

  3. When you fill out the Planned start date and Planned end date the program will automatically fill out the job's Planned duration.

  4. Adjust the % Complete according to the progress of the job. You can create your own percentages in the Properties register in Mamut Business Software. Read more about the Properties register in Mamut Business Software here.

  5. Select if the job is linked to a department.

  6. Enter the Priority of the job in the drop-down list.

  7. Select the employee in your company who will be Responsible for the job.

  8. Enter Notes if necessary.

  9. The Available in accounting check box is defaulted to this setting. Deselect this if you do not want the job to be available in the program's accounting modules.

  10. Click this icon to enter the URL of the job, if it has a website or an e-mail address.

  11. Click Save in order to reach the other panels Activities, Sales Orders and Contacts.

  12. Click Save & Close to be redirected to the previously accessed page

    -- or --

    Click Save & New if you want to create a new job.

You have now created a new job in Mamut Online Desktop.

How to find and view, edit and delete an existing job

  1. Click Jobs in the Contact work area

    -- or --

    Click Lists - Jobs.
    You can use the filter options in the upper part of the screen to search for the job you want to take a closer look at. The possible filter options in the first drop-down list are Status, Name and Project Class. You are also able to use the search options in the second drop-down list to make your search even more precise.

  2. Select the job you wish to view and click Edit in the upper toolbar if you want to make changes to or delete this job.

  3. Click Save or Save & Close in order to confirm the changes and to be redirected to the previously accessed page

    -- or --

    Click Save & New if you want to create a new job.

You have now edited a job.

Note! A job cannot be deleted if it is referenced in other modules. If the job is no longer active you can set it to Inactive in the Status drop-down menu.

Read more about:

About the Job Register

Job List