Printing a selection

You can use the filter feature for invoicing if you want to print multiple invoices at the same time, or if you want to print invoices which have not yet been printed.

How to print multiple invoices or credit notes

  1. Go to View - Sales/Invoicing - Order Registration.
  2. Open an Unprocessed order or Unissued credit note by selecting a status from the drop-down list Status in the upper right corner.
  3. Click Invoice.
  4. Select Filter.
  5. Select print medium in the Send to drop-down list.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Select relevant filter criteria in the window that opens.
    Click the Filter button to open the advanced filter options which let you refine your selection.
  8. Define the common criteria for the orders or credit notes you wish to print. You can read more about the tabs in the window in The Fields in Search and Filter. Below, you can find an example of how you can use the Advanced tab.
    Confirm the filter by clicking OK.
  9. Click OK to open a list containing all orders/credit notes that fulfil your criteria. You can limit the selection further by using the arrow buttons.
  10. Click OK in order to print the selection.

The selected orders/credit notes will now be printed.

How to print invoices that have not yet been printed:

When invoicing an order, you can choose not to print the invoice by clicking No when asked if the printout is approved. When you want to print these invoices, complete the following procedure:

  1. Go to View - Sales/Invoicing - Order Registration.
  2. Open the invoice in question by selecting Invoice from the Status drop-down list in the upper right corner.
  3. Click Invoice.
  4. Select Filter.
  5. Select print medium in the Send to drop-down list.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click the Filter button and open the Advanced tab.
  8. Click New.
  9. Expand the Sales and Invoicing category by clicking the plus sign. Expand the sub-category header Order in the same way. Select the option If the invoice printout is accepted.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Select No/not checked in the Value field. Make sure that the [=] sign has been selected in the Conditions field.
  12. Click OK in order to display the selection in a list. Review the selection and click OK to confirm that the selection is correct.

The invoices will now be printed.

Tip! If you click No when asked if the printout is approved, an overview will be displayed listing all invoices that have not yet been printed. You can print the list in order to cross check the selection.

Read more about:


How to Create an Invoice