The functionality for printing and exporting time sheets is a great way to provide people who are not users of Mamut Business Software and Mamut Online access to review time sheets. The information that is printed or exported depends on which view you are in.
Click the Print button to print
a copy of the time sheets or time sheet lines in the current view.
Click the Export
button to create an export of the time sheets or time sheet lines in the
current view.
Time Sheets list: The selected time sheet(s) can be printed or exported. From this view only an overview of the time sheet is available, such as time sheet ID, description, date created and totals.
Time Sheet page: Printing or exporting a time sheet from this view displays additional information for each time sheet line, such as customer, project, product and quantity.
Calendar View: From this view you can print or export all the time sheet lines for the specified period, regardless of which time sheet the entries belong to.
Read more about:
Company Settings for Time Sheet Input
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