The Customer and Supplier Ledgers provide a full overview of all open ledger items made to your customers and suppliers, thus simplifying payment management.
Entries on accounts that are setup with a ledger function in the Chart of Accounts are automatically posted both in the Nominal Ledger and in the Customer/Supplier Ledgers. In the Financials you can find the entries on the account with a Customer/Supplier ledger function, while you will find the same items by the Customer and Supplier ledger no. in the Customer/Supplier ledgers. When you define a contact as a Customer/Supplier in the Contact card, a Customer/Supplier number is assigned. This is the same number as the Customer/Supplier ledger number.
The Customer/Supplier Ledger links information from other modules. There are several occasions where it can be useful to view information from these modules. You can open them directly from the customer /supplier ledger by clicking on the buttons Go to contact, Go to invoice and Go to journal. By using the buttons in the margin, you can select between different displays and functions in the module. The Customer list, Supplier list, Ledger list and Aged analysis have various functions for processing items in the customer and supplier ledgers:
You can register Receipts/payments directly for your customers/suppliers.
You can also Match/link items against another.
You can Edit items.
You can Go to invoice from the Customer ledger.
You can Go to purchase order from the Supplier ledger.
You can Go to journal to find the journal in the Nominal ledger.
All entries against accounts with a ledger function are sorted on the Customer or the Supplier that is linked to the item and not by journal type, period or date as in the Nominal ledger.
In the Customer ledger you find more opportunities for further payment maintenance. You can find the buttons for payment maintenance to the left in the Customer ledger. Here you can generate payment reminders, manage debt collection, credit charges and send invoices to debt collection companies. Account 1100 is the default account for Account receivables.
In the Supplier ledger you have the opportunity to generate remittance files to your bank. You can find the buttons for payment maintenance to the left in the Supplier ledger. Account 2100 is the default account for Accounts payable.
The User settings only apply to you and will not affect other users of the system. This allows you to tailor the customer and supplier ledger modules in order to work in an efficient manner. You have access to user settings through the Customer/Supplier list, Ledger list, Aged analysis, Balance list and via the Settings per module tab in your user profile.
Tip! The various windows in the customer/supplier ledgers have numerous selection criteria. When you amend or change the selections you must click Update to update the list according to the selection you made.
Tip! You can export a number of lists and tables to Excel via a right-click menu. You can create a Filter for a list, then right-click - and have this selection exported to a report, which opens directly in Excel. Please note that the file is a temporary one. If you would like to keep the report, you will need to save it.
Tip! By clicking the arrow button to the right of the Create activity icon, you can create customised activities. You define the content of the activities and from which modules the activity templates should be available.
Read more about:
Customer/Supplier Ledger Settings