Accounting Settings: Ledgers

View - Settings - Accounting - Customer & Supplier Ledger

The Customer & Supplier Ledger settings are a part of the accounting settings.

The program provides you with a number of options to simplify routines for managing receipts and payments. To adapt the program to your own company, select which functions to use and define settings for the selected modules.

Customer & Supplier Ledger

All settings pertaining to the customer and supplier ledger are available on the Customer & Supplier Ledger tab.

Company sends payment reminders to its customers

Company sends debt collection list or export files to debt collection company

Company exports invoices to factoring company

Company sends credit charges to customer who do not pay by the due date

Company uses remittance (electronic payment)

Read more about:

Payment Reminders

Debt Collection


About Credit Charges

Creating Credit Charges


Creating a new company database

The Customer & Supplier Ledger

Accounting Settings