The Database

Microsoft® SQL Server® Database

Version 12 of Mamut Business Software is based on the Microsoft® SQL Server 2005 database. The Mamut Business Software installer will detect any previous Microsoft SQL Server installations automatically. Microsoft SQL Server will be installed if no previous installations are detected.

If you choose the default single-user installation, the program will only be used on one computer; this computer will act as the database server.

If you choose a multi-user installation, one of the computers within the network will act as the database server. If no previous installation can be detected on this server, the Microsoft SQL Server will be installed.

If you choose a client installation - through which you connect to a database server already available within the network - you will not be required to install Microsoft SQL Server when installing the Mamut Business Software program files.

Note! You should avoid changing the name of the computer containing the SQL Server database since this may create problems for other programs using SQL Server.

Read more about Installing the Program

Read more about Network/Multi-user Installations


A database server can have several different instances. When installing Mamut Business Software, MAMUT will be suggested as the default instance name. You can enter a different instance name if you, already have access to an existing instance for example. In order to get a full overview of the systems, it is recommended that you create your own instance for the Mamut Business Software database.

The database server name will often consist of the server name + the instance name. An example of a database server can be: SERVERNAME\MAMUT.

Note! Instance name is only required if you will be running several SQL Servers on the same computer.

An instance can contain one or several databases. The Mamut Business Software database consists of one system database and one or several company databases.

Read more about Installed Files

System Database

The program's database consists of company database files and system files. The company database files contain data relevant to the various company databases, while the system files contain data which is shared by all company databases. Shared information can, for example, include information about users and access information.

Tip! The server name, instance and system database are stored in the settings under View - Settings - Other Settings - Other Programs.

Company Database

A company database represents one set of accounting records. Where book-keeping agencies refer to 'clients', other users handling several companies may view one company database as one company/organisation. It is possible to manage several company databases in a single program installation. The maximum number of company databases is determined by your licence.

Read more about Company Databases


The SQL Server installed with Mamut Business Software uses SQL Authentication by default. The system administrator can differentiate between the users' database access in the SQL Server.

Tip! The system administrator can override this so that Windows Authentication is used. You need SQL Server Management Studio Express to do this. Deactivate login for the user <Mamut>, or deactivate all SQL Authentication for all programs.

Client Manager

Some program versions include Client Manager, which is a tool for managing several system databases. One system database - or one 'installation' - can contain several company databases (companies/clients/sets of accounting records). For instance, accounting agencies, which handle a large number of clients, are the kind of users who require several system databases.

Read more about Client Manager

Database Maintenance

Maintenance tasks such as repairing, re-indexing, or compressing the database are performed using a separate application called DataTools. DataTools is a tool for database administration, and supports the most common administrative tools for the SQL Server-based databases. The application is automatically installed with the installation of Mamut Business Software and it can be launched by double-clicking the file MDataTools.exe. This is located in the DataTools folder, where the Mamut Business Software program files were installed. Example: C:\Program Files\Mamut\DataTools.

In addition to maintenance tasks, you are also able to create and restore backup copies using DataTools. More information can be found within the DataTools help files.


Database size: Microsoft® SQL Server® Express is limited to 4 GigaBytes. The document files are not a part of the database.

Memory: Microsoft® SQL Server® Express is limited to 1 GigaByte of memory.

CPU:Microsoft® SQL Server® Express is limited to 1 CPU.

64 bit support: Microsoft® SQL Server® Express only supports IA64 systems in Windows on Windows (WOW) emulation mode.

You can upgrade to a larger version of the SQL Server database software or install a larger version side by side of Microsoft® SQL Server® Express. Read more about this on our website.

Read more about:

Installed Files

Creating a New Company Database

How to Delete All Data in a System Database

Installing the Program

Company Handling

Database Utilities