
The calendar shows the activities you are responsible for, or linked to, as an employee.

Open the calendar

By going to View - Activity - Calendar

The button on the desktop toolbar

The button in the activity list

Activities are shown in the calendar display or the task list

You can choose whether an activity is displayed in the actual calendar or the task list. This is controlled by the activity types for the different activities. Activities types Registered, Demonstration and Meeting are shown in the calendar, whereas activities such as Letter, Fax and Tel. out are shown in the task list. See here for information on how to make these settings.

The activity placement can also be overridden for each activity in the Miscellaneous tab where you can select or deselect Show activity in the Task list.

Employee/Resource Calendar

You can view the calendar for an employee or a resource in the regular calendar.

The Common Calendar

The common calendar allows you to see the calendars for several employees or resources at the same time.

Calendar display

Calendar display allows you to see both activities you are responsible for, and those you are linked to as an employee. You can choose whether to display 1 day, 5 days (working week), 7 days (calendar week) or 31 days (month).

You can create new activities directly into the calendar by double clicking on a free area. In the same way, you can directly open existing activities by double-clicking on them.

You can navigate forward and backward in time by clicking on the overview calendar in the top right.

Colour coded activities in the calendar

You can associate an activity that is going to be displayed in the calendar with a colour. You can define a default colour for each activity type in the settings for activity types. This way, you will not be required to define a colour for each individual activity.

Task list

The Task list only shows activities for which you are responsible. Completed tasks can be marked as completed by placing a tick in the box to the left of the task.

New tasks are created by entering the subject in the field marked 'Click here to create a new activity'. Previously created tasks are opened by double-clicking on them, the same as in the calendar.

Read more about:


Employee/Resource Calendar

The Common Calendar

The Small Calendar

New Activity

Settings for Activity Types