Standard Document

In the contact card you can print out various types of documents directly for the respective contact.

Via the Standard Document button located in the toolbar at the top of the contact card you have access to a number of default document templates that can be used to create standard documents for a contact.

How to print out a default document for a contact

  1. Click the Standard document button.

  2. Select the required document template from the list.

  3. Select a Contact Person from the drop-down list.

  4. Select the preferred printout media from the Send to drop-down list.

  5. Click OK.

The document will now be printed, with the contact information filled in automatically.

Note! When you use the Standard document button a document card will be created. and the documents will be available from the Document module as well as via the Documents tab in the contact card.

Read more about:

The Contact Register


Document Templates

How to edit Document Templates