The Sales Focus Area on the Desktop


Quotation is an effective module for writing quotations for a number of single customers or for creating bigger quotations for special campaigns or similar events, that are being sent to a selection of your registered customers. Should the quotations result in a sales it is easy to transfer them to the Sales/Invoicing module for further processing in the form of invoicing and delivery.


An order that is created forms the basis for invoicing of that order. All information about the customer and products is being inherited from the respective registers to the order and then to the invoice, making registration very easy.


Everyone working in sales will know that a sale is not complete until you have received the payment from your customers. This is why the focus area offers shortcuts to payment reminders, credit charging, receipts registration and the Customer ledger, so that you can follow up your outstanding payments.


Subscription invoicing is a separate module you may want to use if you regularly invoice the same customer for the same products and/or services. The module allows you full control and overview over which customers should be invoiced for which subscriptions/agreements and how often.

The desktop can be customised so that every focus area contains the information and shortcuts that best match your program usage. Refer to the below links for information on how to adjust the desktop to your needs.

Read more about:


Sales and Invoicing

The Customer and Supplier Ledger

Subscription invoicing

Focus Areas on the Desktop

The Desktop

The Desktop Toolbar

Information Boxes on the Desktop

Customising Content for a Focus Area on the Desktop