Selecting a Website

Once you have registered your website you can start to customise and edit the content you would like to fill your website with. The editing takes place in the Edit Website module, which you will find by going to View - E-Commerce - Edit Website. The module is built in the form of a wizard taking you from one window to another by clicking Next. This guides you through all the tabs where you are able to register information. You can also go to the About the Company, Content, Webshop and Design template tabs and their respective sub-tabs directly.

If you have created more than one website in the company database that you have open, you need to choose which of the websites you wish to edit. You have to make this choice both when editing the website, and if you want to change the website settings.

You can also create new websites and change names of, or delete, existing websites in this window. The list provides information about:

Web site: The working title for a website

Registration: The Internet address at which a website is registered.

Last updated: The date and time a website was last updated on the Mamut server. Read more about this.

How to select a website

  1. Select View - E-Commerce - Edit website and Website settings.

  2. Select the website you want to change.

  3.  Click OK.

You will now be able to access Settings or the Edit Website feature for the website you selected.

How to create a new website

  1. Click New.

    If you do not have an available licence to create more than one website, this option is not available. Licences are administered using
    Administration of websites.

  2. Enter the name of the new website. This will be the working title of the website.

  3. Complete the wizard Website registration.

You can now begin to Edit your Website.

How to create a copy of a website

  1. Select the website you wish to copy.

  2. Click Duplicate.

    If you do not have an available licence to create more than one website, this option is not available. Licences are administered using
    Administration of websites.

  3. Enter the name of the new website.
    This will be the working title of the website.

  4. Complete the wizard Website registration.
    If you want the new website to take over the name of the old one, you must first de-register the old website using
    Administration of websites.

You can now begin to edit information from the old website using Edit Website.

How to delete a website

  1. Select the website you want to delete.

  2. Click Delete. If the website is registered, you will be connected the Internet and the website will be de-registered. This will delete all information stored on the website from the Mamut server.

The website licence will still be reserved for this website. Thus the licence should be released in Administration of website licenses.

Changing the website name

  1. Select the website you wish to change the name of.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Change the website name. This will be the new working title of the website.

  4. Click OK.

The list will be updated with the new name.

You can also change the name of the website under Website settings - Active website.

Read more about:

Getting started with your own website

Editing a Website

Updating a Website

Website Settings

Administration of Website Licences

Active Website