Purchase Generator - Creating a Sales Order based on Purchase Order

The Purchase generator allows you to create a sales order based on an existing purchase order. This is done using a wizard that is started in the Product lines tab.

How to create a Sales Order based on your Purchase Order

  1. Click Purchase generator and select Create order based on purchase.

  2. The wizard will then display information about the purchase on which the order will be based. Click Next.

  3. Select the contact for which you are going to create the order. Click Next.

  4. Select the basis for cost price and sales price on the sales order and select which information you want to be transferred to the sales order. Click Next.

  5. Only if the customer already has an existing unprocessed sales order:

    Select whether you want to update an existing sales order with new product lines or create a new one.

  6. Click Complete to create the sales order.

The wizard will now display order information about the created sales order. Click Close or Cancel to close the wizard.

Read more about:

Creating Purchases based on Sales Orders

Purchase Orders

The Purchasing Wizard

Reservation of Sales Order against Purchase