Getting Started with your Calendar

To create a new calendar you must be logged in as the administrator.

How to create a new Calendar

  1. Navigate to the area of your website where you want create a calendar.

  2. Select Event calendar from the drop-down list in the eZ Publish Administration menu and click Create here.

  3. In the screen that opens, enter the relevant information in the following fields:

    : Enter the title of your Calendar.
    Short Title
    : Enter an alternative abbreviated title if required.
    Calendar type
    : Select if the calendar shall be viewed as Classic calendar or Program calendar.

  4. Click Publish to save your changes.

Your website will now be updated with your new calendar.

How to change your calendar

  1. Locate the calendar you wish to change.

  2. Click Edit in the administration menu.

  3. Then make the necessary changes.

Click Publish in order to update your calendar.

How to remove a calendar

  1. Locate the calendar you wish to remove.

  2.  Click on Remove in the administration menu.

The calendar has now been removed.

Read more about:


Working with your Calendar

Components in Mamut eZ Publish