Using Video

Video files are widely used on the Internet. In order to play video files in your web browser, you may need to install a plugin application.

How to use video on your website

  1. Log in as administrator.

  2. Navigate to the location where you want to insert a video.

  3. Select the video format of your choice from the drop-down list in the administration menu.

  4. Click Create here.

  5. Enter the following information:
    : Enter the name of the video.
    : Enter a description of the video.
    : Upload the video by clicking Browse.

  6. In the File field, you can also enter the Width and Height of the video, if you do not want to use the standard size. You can also set the Quality of the video.

  7. Tick Autoplay if you want to start the video automatically, and tick Loop if you want the video to be repeated.

  8. Click Publish.

The video will now be added to your website.

How to change a video

  1. Locate the video you wish to change.

  2. Click Edit in the administration menu.

  3. Then make the necessary changes.

Click Publish in order to save the changes.

How to remove a video

  1. Locate the video you wish to remove.

  2.  Click Remove in the administration menu.

The video clip has now been removed.

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Video Media

Using Microsoft Silverlight

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