Mamut eZ Publish gives you the possibility to work with drafts and version management. This means that you can create articles and other content on your website without having to publish it instantly.
It also means that you can revert back to earlier versions, if for example some of the content does not turn out as expected or if you have published temporary information which is no longer relevant.
Publish a Previously Unpublished Version
If you have closed an article before you had a chance to finish it, and you saved it as a draft, you can resume your work by clicking My drafts in the user menu or by navigating to Control panel - Drafts.
You can edit your drafts by clicking the Edit button.
Edit an Existing Page
You can edit an already published page, an article for instance, by navigating to the article and clicking Edit. You can choose to save and publish or save and close, in order to publish the article at a later time.
Go Back to a Previous Version
If you are unhappy with the current version of your work, you can go back to a previous version.
The screen contains three parts:
All versions
The field displays a list of all versions ever published (not including deleted versions).
Archived: Previous version replaced by a newer version.
Published: The version currently published online.
Draft: New version which is still under construction.
Published version
This field displays the currently published version.
New drafts
This field displays all unpublished drafts.
Tip! The version numbers in the list
containing all versions gives you information about both the published
and the unpublished draft.
How to go back to a previous version
Navigate to the published object you want to replace with a previous version.
Click Edit.
Click Manage versions.
Tip! The number within the square brackets in the title field
represents the total number of versions of the object.
You must create a working copy of the version before you can go back
to a previous version.
Click Create a copy.
A new version of the object will be added to the list. You can edit
and publish the copy.
Click Edit
in order to display the old version in edit mode.
Add new information or edit existing text.
Click Publish in order to update your website.
If you chose to publish the changes, your
website will now be published.
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