Mamut eZ Publish offers many ways to customise the website to fit your needs. Some settings do not change the appearance of the website, but are used to adjust underlying information which makes it easier for search engines such as Google to find your website.
You can also connect your website to Google Analytics in order to get visitor statistics.
Enter the name of the website which will be displayed in the web browser's upper left-hand corner. The title does not have to be the same as your domain name.
Note! If you want to use a logotype
instead of the name, go to Control Panel
- Design Settings. Read more here.
Language settings
Applicable for websites with more than one languages. Select which languages will be displayed on the website. By using this feature, the administrator can "hide" an activated language until the website has been fully translated.
Footer Text
Use the field to enter a footer text which will be displayed on all pages of your website. A footer usually contains contact information or other important information.
Hide "Powered by"
Select the check box if you want to hide the text "Service provided by Mamut and eZ - Powered by eZ Publish" in the footer of your website.
Google Analytics Web Property ID
You can connect Mamut eZ Publish to Google Analytics. Register for a free account at and paste the web property ID that you receive from Google Analytics into the field.
The ID number - "AB-123456-1" in the following example - can be found in the java script on the following line:
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("AB-123456-1");
Google Maps Key
If you want to use maps by Google Maps in your articles or blog posts, and you have a Google Account, you must enter your Google Maps Key in this field. The Google Maps functionality can be found when opening an article or blog post in edit mode. You can register for a Google Maps Key on Google's website here.
Social Media List
This option lets you and your visitors share your published content on social medias such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace etc. Select which social medias you want to include in your published content. Your visitors will be able to share your articles on the social medias you select here.
Tag Cloud
Select this option to display an overview of the keywords you have registered for your various content throughout your website.
Site Map
Activate this setting to add a site map to your website. The Site map gives you and your visitors an overview of your entire website.
Register Users
This setting gives you the possibility to hide or show the Register user link in the user menu.
Show Getting Started information (at login)
If you have previously selected the check box Don't show this page again in the Get Started screen when logging in, check the Activate box to display the screen again at next login.
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