Creating/Editing Journal Templates - Defining Input Values
View - Accounting - Journal
When using a journal template, you are usually asked to enter certain values that are to be included in the journal.
In this step of the wizard you will define the parameters and their values for the template. Therefore the window is separated into two lists: The list on the left-hand side contains all existing journal parameters in your database. The list on the right-hand side contains the parameters in your template.
So when creating a new journal template, the list on the right-hand side should still be empty whereas there should be the values of the original template when you are working with a duplicated template.
How to add parameters and values for your template
In the list on the left, click the icon next to the parameter type you want to add in order to create the first input parameter for your template.
- Adjust the Name. If you, for example, have several fields of the type N/C, it may be worth giving them a name that describes what the account will be used for in the journal (e.g. Balance sheet account and & Cost account).
- Specify the Default
value: There are three different kinds of default values.
A relative value within round brackets on a drop-down list:
This value depends on the time when the template runs, e.g. (today).
A concrete value from a list opened via the Search button: This value is selected from the list, e.g. the supplier number.
The Search button is invisible until you've selected the referring field.
A user-defined value defined by you as the user: This text, number or date can be entered directly into the field. - Hidden: If you want a default parameter to be used every time a user uses this journal template, you can hide this field. Once a field is hidden, it will not be shown in the input window and users cannot change the value.
- Add all other necessary parameters and define their values. You can also add the same parameter several times.
Before continuing with the last step, you can check the result of your defined parameters in the Preview. Read more here.
You have now defined the parameters for your
template. In the last step
you will have to determine the position of the values on the journal line. Read more in Creating/Editing Journal Templates - Creating Journal Lines
Steps in the wizard:
- Creating / Editing journal templates
- Defining Input Values << You are here
- Creating journal lines
- Accounting for pre payments (Optional)