Helpdesk: Activity list
Note! The following examples only illustrate use of the Product service functionality in the Helpdesk module (the activity lists and activity cards for Product and Customer service). The Customer service functionality is the same as for Product service, but contains other standardised activity types and statuses. Use of the Customer service with categorisations should be adapted to your business in the same way as Product service.
The activity list provides you with an overview of all activities that are created in the program.
You can create and edit new and existing activities from this window. When you register a new activity you are able to enter contact information and link the activity to a project. From the activity register you have the opportunity to delay an activity or mark it as Complete. In the top of the window you can find several filters which limit the activities that are displayed. Read more about the activity list The Activity List.
How to work with Product service activities
- Go to View - Activity - Activity list Product service to open the activities list.
- Select the status Not started, add your name in the Resp. field and click on the button Refresh to update the list with your selection.
- Open the activity you want to start with by double clicking on it.
- If applicable, you can change the Status or the Resp. person on the Activity card to indicate a change in work process.
- After all work is done, enter the number of hours worked under the Product tab, by clicking New and adding the relevant service product, e.g. 'Installation fee per hour' and Qty. '3' for 3 hours worked.
- Set the activity to Completed in the Status list.
The activity is now ready for further processing, e.g. invoicing of hours worked.
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