The Discount Register

The Discount register is a discount matrix where you can predefine prices and discounts for various combinations of customer categories and product groups. To get to the discount register, select View - Product - Discount Register from the menu, or click the Discount register button in the product register toolbar.

In the Discount Register, select a category and a product group and enter the discount rate that will be applied to this combination. This discount type has the lowest priority if the discount hierarchy is not overruled by the setting The highest discount overrules the discount hierarchy found in the company settings for sales and invoicing.

Tip! You can choose to apply discounts for individual products for customer categories and/or individual customers by defining the setting in the company settings for products. You will then be able to enter your own discounts for each individual product which will apply to the various customer categories or customers. Enter the discount into the product register, in the Discount tab.

Read more about:


The Product Register

Company Settings for Product