Signs in the Financials Reports

Revenues in the Profit & Loss accounts are traditionally reported in negative figures (credit), as they are balanced against the equivalent increase in Assets, which are reported as positive figures (debit).

However, this window allows you to change how the reports will show these figures if, for example, you do not want your revenues to be shown as negative figures.

Select View - Settings and Accounting. Select the Accounting Settings tab and click on the Reports button.

Select Show negative figures in parenthesis if you do not want to show the minus sign in the P/L reports.

The selection Show revenues with positive sign (+) and expenses with negative sign (-) shows debit balances as negative figures and credit as positive in the Profit & Loss account. If you combine this selection with the selection above, the expenses are shown in parentheses.

Select Show negative figures in parenthesis if you do not wish to show the minus-sign in the balance sheet reports.

By selecting Change sign in the field below you can change the view of each individual Group in the Balance sheet reports.

Read more about:

Accounting Settings

The Reports Module
