
Factoring is the transfer of your accounts receivable to a company specialising in invoice follow-up. Practically, this means that you leave the handling of sent invoices and your customer ledger to a factoring company. The advantage with using factoring is that professionals take care of the follow-up to sending out your invoices, allowing you to concentrate on other tasks in your company.

The transfer of your accounts receivable takes place when you generate a file from the customer ledger that contains information about your outstanding customer claims. You can send the file by e-mail, on a disk or upload it to your factoring company's website from where they can import it into their system for further processing.

The program supports a number of different customised factoring formats, in addition to the basic format Detailed XML.

To be able to use factoring you need to have entered into an agreement with a factoring company and entered your factoring settings in your Mamut program.

Read more about getting started with factoring here.

Read more about:

Factoring Settings

How to generate a Factoring File

The Contact Filter Wizard