Field |
Description |
ClientID |
Customer number with the factoring/debt collection company |
ClientName |
Customer name |
ClientContac |
Customer contact person |
ClientOrgNbr |
Customer Company Reg. no. (VAT no.) |
ClientAccNbr |
Customer's bank account number |
BatchDateS |
Batch date |
BatchNbr |
Batch no. |
BatchCcy |
Currency for that batch |
InvType |
Invoice/Credit note |
DebtorName |
Debtor's name |
DebtorNbr |
Debtor's number with the customer |
DebtorOrgNbr |
Debtor's company reg. no. (possibly NI no.) |
DebtorVATNbr |
Debtor's VAT no. |
DebtorPostalAdr |
Postcode |
DebtorSupplAdr |
Delivery address |
DebtorPostalCode |
Postcode |
DebtorCity |
City |
DebtorCtryCode |
Country code |
DebtorPhone1 |
Telephone 1 |
DebtorPhone2 |
Telephone 2 |
DebtorFax |
Fax number |
DebtorEmail |
Debtor's e-mail address |
DebtorContac |
Debtor's default contact person |
DebtorRef |
Your ref. on the invoice |
InvRef |
Reference on the invoice |
InvNbr |
Invoice no. |
InvDate |
Invoice date |
InvDueDate |
Due date |
ValueDate |
Currency date |
IntRate |
Used in connection with interest invoicing |
PmtTerms |
Payment terms (in number of days) |
PmtTermTxt |
Payment terms (in text) |
OrderRef |
Order no. |
SellerNbr |
SellerID |
SellerName |
Seller's name/Our ref. |
InvProj |
Project on invoice |
InvDept |
Department on invoice |
InvLnId |
Line number |
InvLnTxt |
Line text |
InvLnNbrOfUnits |
Number of units |
InvLnUnitsDelivered |
Units delivered |
InvLnUnit |
InvLnAmt |
Line total |
InvLnUnitPrice |
Unit price |
InvLnDiscPercent |
Discount in % for the line |
InvLnAmt |
Line total |
InvLnVATPercent |
Line total, VAT |
NetAmt |
Net invoice total |
OtherFees |
Fees on invoice |
VATAmt |
Total VAT for the invoice |
TotalAmt |
Gross invoice total |
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