You must be running Mamut Business Software Version 12.2 or later in order to access Mamut Online Desktop. Connect to Mamut Online Desktop via Mamut Business Software.
Mamut Validis is a web based accounting service that is designed to provide a means of analysing and identifying potential anomalies within your accounting data.
The term Validis was derived from the words "Validate" and "Discover", as it provides a means of analysing and identifying data that is incomplete, invalid, inaccurate and inconsistent. Therefore, it identifies incorrect postings, mistypings, potential audit issues, incorrect use of VAT rates and more. It is important to note that Mamut Validis is an analysis tool, not a data correction tool. Therefore, it never makes changes or recommendations to the accounting data, it simply reports on what it identifies as potential anomalies.
The service that Mamut Validis offers was developed by Future Route, an intellectual property technology company based in London. To date, this service has been offered in the UK only, but from 2008 will expand into the European market in partnership with Mamut.
All Mamut Business Software customers will receive a basic version of the Mamut Validis software, with the option to upgrade.For those with extended versions of Mamut Validis, find out more about how to administer your licence here. To gain an overview of the available product packages, please go to the following link to view the product comparison sheet
The Accounting Data in the Program
The accounting data uploaded from Mamut Business Software and contained in your Mamut Validis program is made up of; the Nominal Ledger Activity Report, which contains every transaction in every nominal account; and the Chart of Accounts (COA), which provides a template for your Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet. This information is overwritten each time you upload data from Mamut Business Software to your Mamut Validis program.
Note! If you have marked some items as "Resolved",
this information is not overwritten at subsequent uploads.
Analysing Data with Mamut Validis
Mamut Validis analyses every transaction in a set of accounting data and reports back on:
Potential breaks in accounting rules - basic tests of accounting logic.
Potential breaks in trend rules - volumes of transactions that break the usual trends.
Exceptional values in transactions - values that are exceptionally high compared to others in the same nominal account.
Unusual combinations of data values - Mamut Validis looks across the whole dataset to identify transactions which do not conform to patterns and relationships evident in the rest of the accounting data.
Reading the Results
It is important to remember that Mamut Validis never makes changes or recommendations to your accounting data, it simply reports on what it identifies as potential anomalies. There may not necessarily be any errors in your data, but Mamut Validis identifies significant deviations within your data, giving you the opportunity to rectify any problems if necessary.
The Mamut Validis analysis will be displayed in Mamut Online Desktop. In order to view the summary of the results of the analysis, click on Results in the Mamut Validis desktop. Alternatively, you can click on one of the icons for the four different types of analysis; Trend results, Accounting Results, Exceptional values, Unusual combinations, and the detailed results will be displayed directly. This will then open a window with a detailed analysis of the results. Your licence type will determine what information you have access to.
The results that are displayed will vary according to the type of analysis that has been carried out. On the summary dashboard, a summary of the four types of analysis that Mamut Validis performs will be displayed, with links to more detailed information. The following areas will also appear on the dashboard when you click on the link Click here to see details on these results.
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