The E-Commerce Focus Area on the Desktop

The E-Commerce focus area is where you will find all functions related to the creation of your own website, with or without web shop. To find out more about these functions, please refer to the section on 'About E-Commerce in Mamut' here.

My links

You can set up your own links on the desktop. These could be links to your own pages or other pages that you visit often The links will be opened in your default web browser. For more information on how to edit links, please see the section on 'Setting up links to be shown on the desktop' here.

Web site statistics

The Web site statistics button is a shortcut to the Mamut Information Desk, where you can find information to help you with your strategy and design for your website. The traffic summary gives you a quick overview of the visits to your site for a specified period, complete statistics as well as visitor records. More comprehensive statistics can be exported to Microsoft Excel and contain a detailed overview over the number of visitors for every day. There are also separate, complete statistics for your website and web shop. The updating history ensures that you can keep track of how often the website is being modified.

The desktop can be customised so that every focus area contains the information and shortcuts that best match your program usage. Refer to the below links for information on how to adjust the desktop to your needs.

Read more about:

Focus Areas on the Desktop

The Desktop

The Desktop Toolbar

Information Boxes on the Desktop

Customising Content for a Focus Area on the Desktop

Setting up Links to be shown on the Desktop