Focus Areas on the Desktop

The focus areas on the left-hand side of the desktop, provide quick access to those functions that have a natural connection with one another. For example, when you select Customer service in the left-hand menu, the window to the right will display buttons for the various functions within the module. These are organised in such a way as to visualize the process flow within the module. Clicking on a button will open the relevant module window.

Within the user settings you can select which of the focus areas should be active when you log in. This allows you to, directly access the functions most frequently used. If you have set your monitor to a high screen resolution, you will be able to see fixed information to the right of the desktop for all focus areas that are not web sites. Read more about this in the section 'Desktop user settings' here.

The buttons showing the process flow in the main window, act as shortcuts to the various functions. Which buttons are displayed, depends on your licence and the functions you have access to.

Below this flow diagram you will find information boxes, buttons/shortcuts to other functions and a user-defined 'My functions' button containing further shortcuts. You can decide which information boxes and buttons each focus area should display within this part of the window.

Read more about the various focus areas. Click on the icon for more information.

My Desktop

Here you can customise your own desktop to contain the information boxes and buttons you require.


all accounting processes are gathered in one area.


For the Status focus area you can choose yourself which areas you want a quick status overview for.


Project management with time sheet registration, profit/loss reports, project purchasing, documents and activity linking.


Design your own web page and sell your products in the web shop.


The system administrator's desktop with links to User administration, backup and more.

Customer service

Here you will find all available tools for customer management.

Offers from Mamut

In this area you can find out about the latest offers from Mamut and our partners.


The most commonly used function for anyone working in sales are gathered here.

Mamut Online Desktop

Mamut Online Desktop provides you web-based access to the information and functionality of Mamut Business Software, along with the services included within Mamut One.

Time Sheet Input

If you are selling your services by the hour Time sheet registration plays a vital part in being able to document your basis for invoicing and for onward billing to your customers.

Mamut Validis

Mamut Validis is a web based accounting service that is designed to provide a means of analysing and identifying potential anomalies within your accounting data.

Purchase Order

The Purchases focus area contains shortcuts for all purchasing processes.


Mamut has set up a separate Startup portal that you can access directly from within the program.  

Product & Warehouse

Maintain your Product register, prices and stock here and gain a quick overview over all orders to be delivered.

Mamut Information Desk

The program contains an optional news channel that is updated daily via the internet with information, news, user tips related to your program and area of work and much more.


All banking functions are gathered in a single location, including information boxes with cash flow and cash holding information.

Mamut Support Centre

From here you can get in touch with our Support department by entering your query and transferring it to the Mamut Support Centre. You can also search for answers to your questions in our article database.



Introduction to Mamut

Here you will find a short introduction to Mamut. Until you have registered your Mamut licence this page will open automatically when you start up the program.

If you wish you can select to Show buttons for the module instead of focus area in the left-hand menu, within the user settings for the desktop. If you tick this box, the desktop will display module buttons which take you directly to a module. This is opposed to the focus area buttons, which take you to a selection of functions. This will make the left-hand menu act as a shortcut directly into a single module.

Read more about:

Editing Desktop Content

Desktop User Settings

The Desktop