Receipt of Goods

When your supplier has received your purchase order and delivered the products, you can Register a Receipt of goods in the program. A product does not need to be a stock item to register a receipt of goods, but if it is going to update stock it must be a stock item and Update stock must be selected in from the Warehouse tab.

You can also select whether a Receipt note is to be printed at Receipt of goods/Crediting a purchase. The selection is made in the Warehouse tab in Company settings for Product.

You can also select whether the report Orders that can be delivered is to be printed out when registering the receipt of goods. The report shows orders that can be delivered that are related to the receipt of goods. The selection is made through the Company setting for purchase.

You can register a receipt of goods from the purchase window. The purchase will be registered with the status "Purchased" before the goods have been received. You can also register receipt of goods from the warehouse module, by clicking the Non-Received Purchases button.

How to register a Receipt of goods in the Purchase Register

  1. Go to View - Purchase Order - Purchases and locate the purchase in question.

  2. Click Receiving of goods, or from the warehouse module Goods delivery.

  3. Check that the Purchase order number is correct.

  4. Click [...] to see the Purchase list.

  5. Click Go to purchase order if you want to return to the purchase order.

  6. Check that the delivered products are the same as those ordered.

    You can register greater or smaller numbers than those ordered. If the event of a difference, register the number of products received in the
    Received column. If the supplier has delivered fewer than ordered, there is a difference. See below.

  7. Select which Warehouse and Warehouse location the products are to be placed in if necessary.

  8. Click Receiving of goods.

    The purchase order’s status changes to
    Received and the Product lines tab is updated against the received products. Stock for the product is updated and displayed in the product card under the Warehouse tab.

  9. Click Processing completed if you want to change the status of the purchase order. It is still not locked, so you can still register more products if necessary.

You can now open another purchase order that is to be registered and continue receiving goods.

Tip! In User setting for Purchase you can select how the products are to be sorted at receipt of goods.

Further processing of partial deliveries

If, when registering received goods, you received fewer than the number ordered on the purchase order, you have the following options:

If you want to see any previous received goods for the purchase order, you can click Display previously received product lines.

Cancel the rest of the purchase order

Click Delete

The number in Ordered is changed to the same as the number registered in received goods.

The purchase order’s status is Received.

Wait for the rest of the delivery.

Next time you register received goods for the purchase order, the Received column will contain the number outstanding.

Click Receive goods.

The purchase order’s status is Received.

Post the partial delivery and wait for the rest.

Read more about:

Posting Purchases

Purchase Order

User Settings for Purchase

Company Settings for Purchase

Company Settings for Product

Product Register

Non-received Purchases
