The goals you set should be achievable within the next business year. Ideally, your goals should:
For example, expand to the outer London area, create a low-cost product line to fight the recession.
How to set goals
You have now created the company goals and
are ready to proceed to the next step.
The goals you created in the previous section should be broken down into actions. These are steps that need to be completed in order to reach the goals.
Try to formulate the actions as precisely as possible. For example, instead of having an action called "Status meeting", "Arrange status meeting with the Sales department" is more accurate and easier to understand.
It is also a good idea to limit the size of an action. For example, "Up-sell to existing customers" can be improved by narrowing down the scope to "Up-sell to 50 existing customers". The first action lets you know what to do, but does not communicate when you are finished. The latter is more specific regarding when the action is to be completed.
How to add actions
You have now assigned actions to each of
the company goals.
Timing of actions
In the timing section you can formulate a plan for when your actions should be carried out. This will give you a better overview of the different actions. You can also assign the action to the person who will carry out the action or oversee the completion of the action.
How to set the timing of actions
The timing for your specified actions has
now been planned and an overview will be available in the Timing
Revenue and Cost Forecast
The Revenue and Cost Forecast ensures that your Year Plan is financially feasible. Set up a very simple cost and revenue prediction and enter the numbers into the highlighted rows. For additional help, the actions are displayed below so that you can decide whether they affect the costs.
How to enter Revenue and Cost Forecast
You have now completed the revenue and cost
forecast. The totals will be displayed in the Total
field on the right-hand side. This is the final step in the process and
you are now able to create a report.
Tip! To save time during entering the
numbers, you can distribute the number entered for January across the
other months by clicking the fast-forward button, which copies the number
to the remaining months.
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