Note! Product variants require a licence for additional products in some program versions. Click here to find out more.
If you have a web shop, you can sell your variation products in the web shop as well.
Enabling a variation for sale in the web shop:
Go to View - Product - Product Register and find the main variation product you wish to sell online.
Open the Variation tab, highlight the variation you want to sell in your web shop and click Edit.
Tick the box Should be available for sale on one or more websites.
Click OK to close the window.
Repeat the above steps for other variations of the main product you may want to sell online.
Save the main product's Product Card.
The variation(s) are now available for inclusion
in your web shop.
For the changes to take effect in your web shop, you will need to update your website and web shop:
Go to View - E-Commerce - Edit Web Site and select Items in your Web Shop.
Ensure that the main product, for which you want to sell variations, is included in the list of products to be sold online.
Click Close to exit from the window.
Go to View - E-Commerce - Update Web Site to upload the changes to your web shop.
The variations are now available for selection
in the web shop once the customer clicks on the Add
to shopping basket button.
Tip! If you would like to indicate that a product has variations in the web shop product list, you can go to Web Site Settings - Settings Web Shop - Other tab and tick the box For products with variations: View link to selection of variation in product list. Example: 'Select properties'.
Limits to the number of variation attributes
The different variation attributes are sorted according to the Properties Register. Products that are sold in the web shop cannot have more than two variation attributes. If you want more attributes, i.e. more sizes, colours and shapes, you will have to create a separate product for one of them.
For a T-shirt this could be:
The T-shirt has variation attributes shape (Female/Male) sizes and colours. You can create two (2) products: T-shirt female and T-shirt male. Each with variation attributes size and colour.
Through the Variation tab in the product card you select which Default variation will show when customers decide to view detailed product information in the web shop.
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