The Select product window is opened during the sales registration when you click on the Products button. The window can be used to insert a sales line with a product or it can be used to find more detailed information about a product.
If the setting for Use product groups to choose product is active, the Product groups window will open first.
How to select a product
You are able to select a product by double clicking
the corresponding product line, clicking on the green icon in the corresponding
product line or by selecting a product line and clicking Add.
To change the quantity of the product, click on the corresponding product line and enter the desired amount. Once you have registered all of the products, click Close to proceed with the payment.
In addition, if you use product groups for selecting products, you are able to go back to the last level of product groups from the product list. This is done through the arrow button placed on the product list.
How to search in the list
You can search in the window by entering a keyword. You can also choose which column to search by, by clicking on the column heading.
You are also able to use the parameter %, meaning includes, when searching for product names. When using the parameter %, only the product name including the entered criteria will be displayed in the list. For example, if you enter %r in the search field, only product names containing an "r" will be displayed.
How to sort the list
By default the product list is sorted by product name. You are able to change how the list is sorted by clicking on one of the column headings. The list will then be sorted by the selected heading. The sorting order can be ascending or descending, depending on if you click once or twice on the heading.
More information
If you would like more information about a product, you can highlight it in the list and click on More information. Read more here.
If your system is in contact with your accounting system you can import newly created products directly by clicking on Import. This will update the product list of your point of sale.
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