It is possible to edit invoices after they have been issued and journals after they have been posted. The objective of this functionality is to allow users the possibility to edit the most important elements of posted invoices and journals without needing to credit the item or redo work already done.
Note! Your user profile must be defined
as Super user to gain access to
this functionality. Your user access rights can be adjusted via View - Settings
-Security - User
In order to use this functionality, the Super user is responsible for activating this function within the Company Settings. Once activated, you will be required to enter your regular username and password for Mamut Business Software in order to authenticate yourself and gain access to this functionality.
Once you have activated this setting and authenticated yourself, you will be able to access a simple and user friendly window where you can click between three tabs: Invoice, Journal and List of changes, where it is possible to edit posted information and view a list of all changes that have been made.
Under the Invoice tab, you are able to edit the following information:
Customer name (this information must be updated from the Contact Register)
Invoice address
Due date
Payment term (this will result in a new due date)
Delivery address
Date of delivery
Date of delivery
Under the Journal tab, you are able to edit the following information:
Period (not one that has been closed)
Due date
VAT report code
N/C (but only to a N/C with the same VAT-handling as the existing one)
Once the user has edited the desired information within the Edit Invoice and Journal window, the existing journal or invoice will be updated and the changes will be logged within the List of changes window.
Note! Only journals belonging to periods
that have not been closed can be edited.
All changes will be logged and all users will be able to see an overview of these changes under the List of changes tab. In addition, you are able to export this information to Microsoft Excel.
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