How to edit Posted Invoices and Journals

It is possible to edit invoices after they have been issued and journals after they have been posted. The objective of this functionality is to allow users the possibility to edit the most important elements of posted invoices and journals. This functionality is only available for Super users.

In order to edit posted invoices and journals you are required to activate the correct setting. To activate this setting, go to View  - SettingsCompanySettings per ModuleSales and Invoicing, then select Edit posted invoices and journals. You are then able to use this functionality.

Note! Only journals belonging to periods that have not been closed can be edited.  

How to edit Posted Invoices and Journals

  1. Select FileDatabase UtilitiesEdit posted invoices and journals.
    If you have not activated this setting, or are not a Super user, you will not be able to proceed.

  2. You will now be prompted for your username and password, enter your standard Mamut Business Software details to proceed.
    This information is required in order to authenticate yourself and restrict users from using this function who do not have the correct access rights. These details must be entered each time you wish to edit posted invoices and journals.

  3. The Edit Invoice and Journal window will now be displayed, you can select between the three main tabs Invoice, Journal and List of changes to edit the desired information and view a log of all changes made.

  4. Select the appropriate tab to edit the required information and use the Search button to identify the invoice or journal you wish to edit.

You are now able to utilise this functionality and edit the desired information for the posted invoice or journal and view a log of the changes.

How to Edit an Invoice

  1. Go to FileDatabase UtilitiesEdit posted invoices and journals.
    If you have not activated this setting, or are not a Super user you will not be able to proceed.

  2. Enter your standard Mamut Business Software username and password.

  3. Select the Invoice tab within the Edit Invoice and Journal window.
    It is only possible to edit posted invoices, orders can be adjusted in the order module.

  4. Enter the invoice number and use the Search button to identity the existing invoice that you wish to edit.

  5. The details of the invoice will now be displayed.

  6. Edit the fields that you wish to change. To do so, select the Edit button to the right of the field and update the information within the window that is displayed.

  7. Select OK to save the changes to the invoice.

  8. Select Mark the invoice as not printed so that the next print of this invoice from the invoice module will not be marked as copy.

  9. You can now view a list of the changes you have made under the List of changes tab and select if you wish to Export to Microsoft Excel.

Your updates have now been completed and will be present on the respective invoice.

How to Edit a Journal

  1. Go to FileDatabase UtilitiesEdit posted invoices and journals.
    If you have not activated this setting, or are not a Super user you will not be able to proceed.

  2. Enter your standard Mamut Business Software username and password.

  3. Select the Journal tab within the Edit Invoice and Journal window.
    It is only possible to edit posted journals, journals that have not been posted can be adjusted in the journal entry module.

  4. Enter the Journal Entry no., Journal Type and Fiscal year and use the Search button to identity the existing journal that you wish to edit.

    The details of the journal will now be displayed.

  5. Edit the fields that you wish to change. To do so, select the Edit button to the right of the field and update the information within the window that is displayed.

  6. Select OK to save the changes to the invoice.

  7. You can now view a list of the changes you have made under the List of changes tab and select if you wish to Export to Microsoft Excel.

Your updates have now been completed and will be present on the respective journal.

Read more about:

Edit posted invoice and journal