View - Accounting - Financials
- Journal list/ Nominal ledger
In the Journal list and Nominal Ledger in Financials there are the following columns:
Entry no.: Entry number is set automatically for all the journals in accordance to the settings you have entered. In addition to the number indicating the order of the journals, they are categorised by journal type as a Sales invoice (SI), Purchase invoice (PI), Bank (B), etc. These journal types can also be edited by clicking on the Edit button.
Date: For journals that have been transferred from the Invoice, Purchase or Customer and supplier ledger modules the date is set through Journal entry or in accordance with the program date.
N/C: Each journal is entered in two or more accounts. The N/C column indicates where in the Profit/Loss or Balance sheet the journal has been posted depending on the N/Cs position in the Chart of accounts.
Details: The Details field is used to specify what the journal is for. If nothing is entered in the field, the name of the specific account is entered here.
Invoice no. and Debtor/Creditor acc.:The invoice number and debtor/creditor account number is entered on all journals of journal type Sales- and Purchase invoices. The Debtor/Creditor account number indicates the number that the customer or supplier has in the contact register.
VAT: The VAT column is automated through separate VAT codes. These codes are linked to journal lines where it will be calculated.
Project and Department: Journals you are comparing with budgets in Project and Department must be linked to a particular Project or Department.
Currency: Journals in foreign Currency are converted to the local currency before it is added in the accounts. This requires that the journal is linked to the currency selected in the currency register.
Debit/Credit: The amount that is entered on each journal line can be shown in the nominal ledger as Debit and Credit or as changes in the Balance (as a positive or negative number).
Read more about:
Currency Register