The Product & Warehouse Focus Area on the Desktop

Under the Product & Warehouse focus area you will find the most common functions for anyone working with products and stock keeping.

The link to stock handling and price information ensures that everyone working with your products has full control over all processes. You are also able to import products and price lists from your suppliers.

The Product card acts as a sales screen, offering you the possibility for adding example pictures and sales information. With the click of a button you can also send an e-mail with full product information to a contact.

The two modules also include support for EAN numbers, the product numbers assigned to a product by your supplier, product groups, department handling, automated price adjustment through an advanced price calculator, and much more. Also included are separate note fields for amongst other things technical information, sales information, production details and user support.

You will also be given a full overview of the number and location of your products in your warehouse(s). The program also offers support for stock value evaluations, stock movements, automated stock counting and more. A number of key figures ensure you always have a complete overview over your products and warehouse processes.

The desktop can be customised so that every focus area contains the information and shortcuts that best match your program usage. Refer to the below links for information on how to adjust the desktop to your needs.

Read more about:

The Product Module

The Warehouse Module

Focus Areas on the Desktop

About the Desktop

The Desktop Toolbar

Information Boxes on the Desktop

Customising Content for a Focus Area on the Desktop