The Project Focus Area on the Desktop

The Project register gives an effective and thorough overview over all your current projects. All work related to a project can be handled from here: registering hours worked, linking employees, activities, documents, orders and invoice registrations, contact management and purchases, as well integration with the Accounting module. Two other central functions are budgeting and onward billing. The Project register can also be connected to Microsoft Project , offering even more advanced project managements tools and GANTT diagrams. Well-organised status and structure ensure you effective control over all your projects.

The desktop can be customised so that every focus area contains the information and shortcuts that best match your program usage. Refer to the below links for information on how to adjust the desktop to your needs.

Read more about:

The Project Module

Focus Areas on the Desktop

The Desktop

The Desktop Toolbar

Information Boxes on the Desktop

Customising Content for a Focus Area on the Desktop