Customer Information/Address

View - E-Commerce - Get Website Data

This window shows detailed information from Get website data, together with an existing or potential customer from the Contact register. Each field shows data registered in the Contact register under Contact overview, corresponding fields from Incoming data and what will be imported under Result.

The enquiry can be dealt with in one of the following ways

Click Reject if you want to ignore the enquiry. It will then be deleted from the database.

Click Contact list to link the import to another contact.

Click New to create a new contact in the contact register on the basis of the import.

Click Import to update the contact register with information from the enquiry.

Read more about the various options below.

Adjusting the import

  1. Check the data from the Contact overview against the Incoming data.

  2.  Select which of the texts is to be updated in the Contact Register under Result.
    If none of the suggestions are suitable, you can also enter new information straight into the field.

  3.  Repeat the process in all the tabs: Company information, Address and Additional info (only for activities).

  4. Click Import to update the contact register with information from the enquiry.

The Contact Register is now updated with the included information.

Linking the imported contact to another contact

  1. Click Contact list.

  2. Select the contact to which you want to link the enquiry.

  3. Click OK

  4. Go through all the fields and adjust the import as described above.

The information is now linked to the specified contact.

Creating a new contact from the imported contact

  1. Click New.

  2. Go through all the fields and adjust the import as described above.

The customer is added to your Contact Register.

Read more about:

Getting started with your own website

Get Website Data

View New Orders/Activities