View - E-Commerce - Get
Website Data
After importing website data, you receive a list of all the enquiries. The column on the far left of the list specifies whether the enquiry is an activity, an order, a new registration or a change to a previous registration.
Each enquiry is checked against the contact register. If the contact has not been previously registered, a new contact will be set up. If the contact already exists, the information from the contact register is displayed under Contact overview.
Checking an enquiry
Check all enquiries, depending on their Status:
New customer: No contact was found in the contact register which
matched any of the fields in the enquiry.
Should be verified: An
existing customer was found with the same E-mail address, Postcode, Contact person or Telephone
number. Here you should verify which information should be overwritten
in the contact register.
Existing customer: The
enquiry contains a Company name or Company reg. no. which
corresponds to a contact in the contact register. It is highly likely
that the enquiry comes from this contact.
Click Edit or double click on enquiries you
are uncertain about to check what Company
information is imported.
Click Import all when you have gone through
the information.
Note! At
the bottom of the window is a line about whether you should
Go directly to update in order to update stock after importing order. This is a recommendation/reminder
that you should update the website to avoid discrepancies between the
stock levels displayed in the webshop and actual current levels.
New customers are now created in the contact register. Existing
customers and Probable customers will keep the information
from the contact register unless you choose to overwrite it.
Note! You will find the imported orders
in the Order module in Mamut. You can also print a report of all web orders.
To do so go to the Report modules, select Sales and Invoicing and select
the report Order/invoice list or
Order/invoice list, detailed. In
the Filter window that opens,
tick the Web order box in the
selection window to only show orders imported from the webshop. If you
have several websites, you can also select to view results for a certain
website only.
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