Getting Started with Mamut Validis

Mamut Validis is a web based accounting service that is designed to provide a means of analysing and identifying potential anomalies within your accounting data.

Note! Which services you have access to within Mamut Online Desktop depends on your Mamut One Service Agreement. You can read more about the different versions on our website.

Before getting started

Before getting started you need to create your Mamut ID and connect to Mamut Online Desktop. Mamut Online Desktop is what synchronises your data between Mamut Business Software and Mamut Validis.

Find out more about how to connect here.

Before you start using Mamut Validis it is important that you use the Partially close accounts feature found under View – Accounting to make sure you have opening balances for the years being analysed. If you do not have Opening Balances your results could be affected.

How to get started

  1. Log into Mamut Online Desktop through the web browser, using your Mamut ID.
    You can login directly via a web browser at (external link) or via the Mamut Validis focus area within Mamut Business Software.

  2. .From the Mamut Online Desktop toolbar click Work Areas - Mamut Validis - Mamut Validis Desktop.

  3. Click Analyse & Validate to start the analysis.
    Please be patient as the process may take some time.

Your data from Mamut Business Software is now being synchronised with Mamut Validis.

Once the analysis is complete, Mamut Validis will automatically create your Mamut Validis profile. Read more about this here.

If you wish to adjust how an account is being interpreted by Mamut Validis you will need to go to View – Accounting – Chart of accounts in Mamut Business Software and then select the Advanced tab. Here you will see a Mamut Validis setting with a drop-down selection. If you would like to change the way the account is being read by Mamut Validis just select the correct option from the drop-down menu and then click Save. The next time you analyse your accounting data, the changes will be visible in Mamut Validis.

Read more about:

About Mamut Validis