How to handle annual invoices with Subscription Invoicing

So that a subscription may be invoiced once a year, it has to be linked to an annual invoicing frequency. When you invoice only once a year, the registration date for the subscription the customer subscription is linked to is the one controlling when in the year the subscription is being run/invoiced.

How to create a frequency for invoicing once a year

  1. Open Frequency in the properties register by going to View - Settings - Company - Properties Register.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter a name for the frequency in the top field, e.g. 'Annual invoicing'.

  4. Select 'Number of days in interval' from the Type drop-down list.

  5. Enter 365 in the Repeat every ... days line.

  6. Click OK.

The frequency is now available for selection in the subscription register.

This means that if you create a subscription with annual invoicing, all customer subscriptions that link to it will be included in the same invoicing run on the same date every year. Until the first occurrence of the annual invoice however, you will need to invoice manually in the Sales and Invoicing module.

If you would prefer to invoice from, e.g. the month after the subscription was created and one year later and then again the same time every other year, you can do so by creating 12 subscription; one for each month of the year. Since it is the registration date for the subscription, which determines when a subscription is included in an order/invoice creation process for the first time, you need to manipulate the date by first changing the program date before creating the subscription.

The subscription date may be changed by going to File - Program Date. Find out more on how to do this here

You can now create a subscription with a registration date the same as the amended program date. If you repeat the procedure and add a subscription for the 1st of every month, you can later create customer subscriptions and link these to the subscription for the relevant month. This way the customer subscriptions can be invoiced the same month every year and you also avoid having to manually invoice the remaining months up to a set invoicing month.

Read more about:

Subscription Invoicing